2021 SFFILM Festival
The SFFILM Festival is an extraordinary showcase of cinematic discovery. While 2021 was different from most years, the heart of the Festival remained! Our program featured drive-in screenings, international competitions, compelling documentaries, family and teen programming, informative filmmaker panels, and the introduction of a new section, Mid-Length Films! Browse the links below to relive the 2021 Festival.

Browse the Program
With Live Events and Streaming Programs, our 2021 Festival had something for everyone to enjoy! Explore the program online or in our PDF guide.
Relive the Experience
Screenings are only part of the fun. Check out some of the additional programming offered at the festival!
About the Festival →
Festival Video Library →
Schools at the Festival →

And the winner is…Learn more about the Golden Gate Awards and Tributes.
Films in Competition →
Jurors and Screeners →
2021 Golden Gate Awards →