Walt Disney Family Museum
San Francisco, CA 94129 United States
Transit options include Muni Line 43 and the Presidio GO Shuttle. The Presidio operates multiple nearby paid parking lots.
The Walt Disney Family Museum is ADA accessible. There is an elevator to the theater on the basement level. This theater is not equipped with closed captioning or audio description devices.
Public Transportation & Parking
The Marina District and Presidio neighborhood are served by Muni bus lines 28, 30, 43, and PresidiGO Shuttle. Walking times from transit stops to theaters vary between 1–15 minutes. Metered parking is available around the neighborhood or for $4.00/hour at these nearby lots:
- Lombard Street Garage (2055 Lombard St) Entrance at Moulton Alley
- Pierce Street Garage Website (3252 Pierce Street)
How easy is it to navigate the surrounding area for a wheelchair?
It’s easy to navigate.
Are there steep hills?
There are no steep hills immediately around the Walt Disney Family Museum, though the Presidio itself does have some hilly areas.
Are there ripped up sidewalks?
Are there easily navigable curb cuts?
Are there any special ways to get accessible seating in the theater?
The theater is on the basement level. There is an elevator from the lobby.
Are there accessible bathroom stalls?
Do you offer any hearing assistance devices?
No, there are no hearing assistance devices at this theater.
Do you offer any closed captioning devices?
No, there are no closed captioning devices at this theater.
Do you offer any audio description devices?
No, there are no audio description devices at this theater.