Premier Theater at One Letterman
San Francisco, CA 94129 United States
(at the Yoda Fountain)
Public Transportation & Parking
The Premier Theater at One Letterman is located in the Presidio at 1 Letterman Drive #B. Transit options include Muni Line 43 and the Presidio GO Shuttle. The easiest way to find directions to this theater is by having your GPS navigate to the Yoda Fountain. Street parking and paid underground parking ($6/hour) is available at the theater. When you arrive, follow the signs to find underground parking.
Letterman One Parking Rates (as of 03/24)
- Daily rate: $6.00/hour
- Daily maximum before 12:00 am: $24.00
- Overnight Parking: $40.00 flat rate
- Garage closes from 12:00 am – 4:00 am
How easy is it to navigate the surrounding area for a wheelchair?
The easiest way to find directions to this theater is by having your GPS navigate to the Yoda Fountain. There are accessible pathways from all directions, and guests who choose to park in the parking structure will take the elevator directly to the theater lobby.
Are there steep hills?
Not directly by the theater.
Are there ripped up sidewalks?
Are there any special ways to get accessible seating in the theater?
Please check in with a venue manager when you arrive.
Are there accessible bathroom stalls?
Is there unscented soap in restrooms?
Do you offer any hearing assistance devices?
Yes, this theater is equipped with 10 assisted listening devices that increase volume for the individual user.
Do you offer any closed captioning devices?
Yes, this theater is equipped with 10 devices that display individual closed captioning for the user by clamping onto the armrest at your seat.
Do you offer any audio description devices?
Yes, this theater is equipped with 10 devices that offer individual audio description with a pair of headphones for the user, connected to a device that is clamped onto the armrest at your seat.