Dolby Cinema at 1275 Market
San Francisco, CA 94103
How easy is it to navigate the surrounding area for a wheelchair?
The building is fully ADA accessible. Rideshares should drop off on 9th St.
Are there steep hills?
Are there ripped up sidewalks?
Are there any special ways to get accessible seating in the theater?
There is a ramp to the entry doors. Please check in with a venue manager who can help direct you to wheelchair seating.
Are there accessible bathroom stalls?
Yes. All immediately accessible restrooms are gender neutral. Gendered restrooms are accessible in a separate part of the building, and a motorized lift is available to access this space.
Is there unscented soap in restrooms?
Do you offer any hearing assistance devices?
This theater does not have assisted listening devices.
Do you offer any closed captioning devices?
This theater does not have closed captioning devices.
Do you offer any audio description devices?
This theater does not have audio description devices.
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