CGV San Francisco
San Francisco, CA 94109 United States
How easy is it to navigate the surrounding area for a wheelchair?
The front of the building on 1000 Van Ness have two doors, with a ramp on the left side door (closest to Myrtle Ave.) These doors are heavy and some folks experience difficulty opening the doors. A security guard or staff member should be stationed to assist you!
If you are driving and parking in the LAZ Parking lot in the building, the elevator to the lobby will take you directly to the theater entrance. A second elevator to the theater requires a staff member to key you up to the theater (due to building security.) Please look for any staff or volunteer when you arrive to assist you; someone should be standing by!
Are there steep hills?
Are there ripped up sidewalks?
Are there any special ways to get accessible seating in the theater?
Please check in with a venue manager when you arrive
Are there accessible bathroom stalls?
Is there unscented soap in restrooms?
Do you offer any hearing assistance devices?
Yes, please ask any venue manager for assistance!
Do you offer any closed captioning devices?
Yes, please ask any venue manager for assistance!
Do you offer any audio description devices?
Yes, please ask any venue manager for assistance!
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