Castro Theatre
San Francisco, CA 94114 United States
How easy is it to navigate the surrounding area for a wheelchair?
Some crosswalks and intersections near-by have navigable curb cuts.
Are there steep hills?
Not directly by the theatre.
Are there ripped up sidewalks?
Are there any special ways to get accessible seating in the theater?
Theatre door staff will ask patrons with mobility devices if any assistance is needed. The theatre wheelchair access area is located at the back of the auditorium and easy to find.
Are there accessible bathroom stalls?
Is there unscented soap in restrooms?
Do you offer any hearing assistance devices?
The Castro Theatre has assisted hearing devices (6) a radio-like receiver with headphones. You can obtain a hearing device by leaving a state issued drivers license with the theatre operations manager.
Do you offer any closed captioning devices?
While this theater does not have this technology permanently installed, SFFILM will have 6 devices available during our program.
Do you offer any audio description devices?
While this theater does not have this technology permanently installed, SFFILM will have 6 devices available during our program.
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