SFFILM is excited to be recruiting volunteers for the 2025 SFFILM Festival which runs April 17–27. Volunteers are an essential part of making this festival happen, from ushering and managing lines at theaters, to supporting our parties and events. SFFILM also has events throughout the year that couldn’t happen without our incredible volunteers. As a thank you for your time and effort, volunteers receive benefits such as vouchers for screenings, exclusive event invitations, and more!
If you would like to join our team and receive updates as opportunities become available, please fill out our online Volunteer Application. All volunteers are scheduled through the SFFILM Volunteer Shiftboard.
SFFILM will review your application once it has been submitted. Once your application has been approved, you will be able to use Shiftboard to see future volunteer opportunities and pick up shifts.
For more information about our volunteer program or any specific questions you have, email volunteer@sffilm.org.
Volunteer Code of Conduct
SFFILM volunteers, like all SFFILM staff, are expected to abide by the SFFILM Code of Conduct. We depend on you to follow through with your commitment as you are an integral part of the SFFILM team. You represent SFFILM to both patrons and the public at large, and it is important to portray a positive image. Regardless of capacity or seniority, all volunteers are expected to:
- Treat all patrons, visitors, artists and staff with respect and courtesy.
- Be sensitive to the diverse participants.
- Conduct yourself in a manner that is befitting a positive organizational image.
- Do not consume alcohol or drugs while on a shift and do not report for duty while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
- Show up on time and dressed appropriately for scheduled events.
- Contact the volunteer coordinators immediately when you must cancel a scheduled volunteer engagement.
- Stay through your entire shift.
- Keep all information you handle confidential.
- Smile!
In return, from SFFILM staff you can expect to:
- Have your concerns, problems, and issues listened to.
- Be treated with respect and courtesy.
- Be kept informed about event changes that pertain to you.
- Be provided with a safe atmosphere in which to volunteer.
- Be appreciated for your contributions to the organization.
While we appreciate the time you graciously donate to SFFILM, reported negative behaviors will be investigated and, depending on frequency and severity, could result in the termination of your volunteer position with SFFILM.