Please register HERE for Socio right away (use the email address tied to your ticket purchase, it will already be in the system – this is to help keep the event secure). Keep your username and password handy for easy access on December 9. Once you’ve set up your login, you are ready to go!
What’s the difference between a “streaming window” and a “viewing window”? Once I start watching a film, how long do I have to finish it?
The “streaming window” is the duration of availability for a film during the Doc Stories festival. The “viewing window” is the 24-hour window to finish a film once you click “Stream Film”.
Can I watch a film more than once over the Doc Stories weekend?
You can watch as many times as you wish within your 24-hour viewing window. Your 24-hour viewing window starts once you click “Stream Film”.
If I start watching a film on Sunday December 6, when will my viewing window expire?
Once you begin streaming a film, you have 24 hours to complete the film. Please note, all films will be unavailable at 11:59 pm on December 6; if you start a film late on December 6, it will turn off before midnight.
Where can I see all the film streaming windows and Q&A times in one place?
Find Q&A times on the calendar page (in chronological order) and on the Doc Stories series page (in alphabetical order).
All films are streamable between Dec 3 at 12:01 am and Dec 6 at 11:59 pm, except for Gunda which has a slightly limited window (Dec 4 at 12:01 am to Dec 6 at 11:59 pm). Once you begin streaming a film, you have 24 hours to complete the film. Please note, all films will be unavailable after 11:59 pm on December 6; if you start a film late on December 6, it will turn off before midnight.