A Doc Stories Cinevisa is a pass that includes all streaming content and admission to our in-person screenings.
What is a Ticket 6-Pack?
Ticket Packs are vouchers that come in bundles of six and can be redeemed for screenings and events with a value of up to $25.
Can the general public attend Doc Stories?
Of course! Tickets to the 2022 Doc Stories program will be available for purchase to the general public on Thursday, October 13th, and Ticket Packs are available now! Click here to purchase a Ticket 6-Pack.
What is SFFILM’s cancellation policy?
All orders are final. No refunds, exchanges, substitutions, or replacements will be issued.
What does it mean if a show is AT RUSH?
A show is AT RUSH when all advance tickets have sold out. Rush tickets may be available just before showtime, and sometimes as part of the daily Noon Ticket Release. At theaters, a rush line will form outside the venue 30–60 minutes before the screening starts. Once all ticket and pass holders are seated, any empty seats will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis to those in the rush line. We offer one ticket per person waiting in line at the time of admission.
Some streaming films have audience capacity limits and may go to RUSH if that limit is reached. Check event pages for availability, and always get your tickets early to ensure you have a spot.
Screenings at the Drive-In will have a RUSH line for vehicles, and tickets will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis to those in the RUSH line at showtime if space is available.
Tickets may become available during our Daily Noon Ticket Releases. To find them, check the film’s event page daily, at noon. Newly-released tickets will be for sale there.