A dramatic thriller directed by Academy Award® winner Tom McCarthy and starring Matt Damon, Stillwater follows an American oil-rig roughneck from Oklahoma who travels to Marseille to visit his estranged daughter, in prison for a murder she claims she did not commit. Allison (Academy Award®-nominee Abigail Breslin) seizes on a new tip that could exonerate her and presses Bill to engage her legal team. But Bill (Academy Award®-winner Matt Damon), eager to prove his worth and regain his daughter’s trust, takes matters into his own hands. He is quickly stymied by language barriers, cultural differences, and a complicated legal system—until he meets French actress Virginie (Camille Cottin), mother to eight-year-old Maya (Lilou Siauvaud). Together, these unlikely allies embark on a journey of discovery, truth, love and liberation.
This film is Rated R.
COVID protocol: On July 20, 2021, the San Francisco Health Officer issued a revised Health Order, urging all people regardless of vaccination status to wear a well-fitting mask when indoors. SFFILM is pleased to extend this invitation on behalf of our friends at Allied and is not responsible for the execution of enforcement of COVID-19 safety protocols at this event. For more details regarding COVID-19 safety, please visit AMC Metreon’s website. Click here to learn more.
Members: This screening will not count against your annual allotment. With questions contact
Film Details
Language English
Year 2021
Runtime 140 minutes
Country USA
Director Tom McCarthy
Producer Steve Golin, Tom McCarthy, Jonathan King, Liza Chasin
Writer Tom McCarthy, Marcus Hinchey, Thomas Bidegain, Noe Debre
Editor Tom McArdle
Cinematographer Masanobu Takayanagi
Music Mychael Danna
Cast Matt Damon, Abigail Breslin, Camille Cottin
Print Source Focus Features