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Doc Stories

Sorry/Not Sorry

Directed by Caroline Suh, Cara Mones

USA | Documentary | 93

5 Nov
Sun, Nov 5, 2023 at 12:01 am PT

Ticket buyers and pass holders to this event will have access to stream the film within the indicated window of time. Views must be completed within 24 hours of starting. Viewing of the program is restricted to California.


Film Available to Stream

Mon, Nov 6 at 12:01 am – Tue, Nov 7 at 11:59 pm PT

In-Person Screening

You can attend this program in-person on Sat, Nov 4 at 12:30 pm PT. Get Tickets here.


The “Me Too” movement resulted in numerous mea culpas, not all of which were heartfelt. Louis C.K.’s response to accusations is an interesting case in point. When the story of his sexual harassment broke, it initially seemed that the extremely successful comedian, who admitted that the stories were true, might actually be interested in learning and growing as a person. Nine months later, he returned to the stage with jokes that instead revealed a man doubling down on bad behavior. This powerful documentary gives voice to the nuanced experiences of three women who tried to expose C.K.’s bad behavior and the backlash they faced. It charts how an open secret evolved into a national news item and features compelling and humorous interviews and comedy clips. With stark lucidity, the film also highlights that it is almost exclusively women who speak out about sexual misconduct, while their male peers often say little or nothing at all—a “sorry” state of affairs, indeed.

Director Caroline Suh

Caroline Suh is a Korean-American documentarian and producer for film and television whose credits include What We Do All Day (2023), made in partnership with President Obama and Higher Ground Productions; Blackpink: Light Up the Sky (2020); and Salt Fat Acid Heat (2018). Sorry/Not Sorry, co-directed with Cara Mones, is her latest film.

Director Cara Mones

Cara Mones is a producer for film and television whose credits include Blackpink: Light Up the Sky (2020), Rolling Stone: Stories from the Edge (2017), and the upcoming documentary Big Pharma.

Film Details

Language English

Year 2023

Runtime 93

Country USA

Director Caroline Suh, Cara Mones

Executive Producer Sam Dolnick, Jason Stallman, Ken Druckerman, Banks Tarver

Producer Caroline Suh, Cara Mones, Kathleen Lingo

Editor Peter Holmes

Cinematographer Bob Richman

Music Kyle Scott Wilson

Closed Captions Closed captions are not available for this film.

Audio Description Audio descriptions are not available for this film.