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Film Available to Stream
Sun, Nov 7 at 12:01 am – Sun, Nov 7 at 11:59 pm PT
The modern world has become all too familiar with images of refugees fleeing their homes, desensitized to the onslaught of harrowing images and heartbreaking stories. But what happens after these displaced individuals find sanctuary and slip from the headlines? Academy Award-winner Megan Mylan trains her lens on the everyday acts of courage and determination that drive her protagonists, featuring families in Turkey, Greece, the US, and Syria. From a soft-spoken Uber driver who sacrifices everything for his teenage brother to far-flung parents urged on by parental love, this timeless film explores ties that bind and the dreams that empower humans to overcome the unthinkable.

Megan Mylan creates intimate observational non-fiction films. She has been recognized with an Academy Award, Emmy nominations, an Independent Spirit Award, and a Guggenheim Fellowship. Her work includes: Smile Pinki (2003), Lost Boys of Sudan (2008), Raça (2013), and numerous short documentaries. Megan served for several years on the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ Executive Committee for Documentary and was guest director of the documentary film program at UC Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism. Before beginning in film, she worked with Ashoka, an international development non-profit, in the US and Brazil.
Film Details
Language Arabic, English
Year 2021
Premiere California
Runtime 98
Country USA, Syria, Greece, Turkey, Germany
Director Megan Mylan
Executive Producer Susan Bay Nimoy, G. Barrie Landry
Producer Robin Hessman, Megan Mylan
Editor Purcell Carson, Megan Mylan
Cinematographer Lars Skree, Rafia Salameh, Michael Chin
Music Hanan Townshend
Print Source Principe Productions