First-time filmmaker Akuol de Mabior examines the legacy of John Garang de Mabior, her father and the founding father of South Sudan. The revolutionary leader of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army, he later served as Vice President of Sudan, only to die in a helicopter crash in 2005, three weeks after taking office. His family continues to uphold his memory while shaping the young republic of South Sudan. His widow, Rebecca, is its vice president, and one of Akuol’s sisters helps the country by distributing aid to victims of a flood. Akuol de Mabior contemplates expectations that she will serve South Sudan as part of her family’s lineage in a film that marks the beginning of a national cinema. Kenyan filmmaker Sam Soko (Softie) produces.

The daughter of Sudanese freedom fighters who turned to politics, Akuol de Mabior was a top fashion model before switching gears and studying film at the University of Cape Town. After making several shorts, she debuts her first feature, No Simple Way Home (2022).

Film Details
Language English, Dinka, Arabic
Year 2022
Premiere North American
Runtime 85
Country South Sudan, Kenya, South Africa
Director Akuol de Mabior
Executive Producer Bramwel Iro, Don Edkins, Sam Soko
Producer Sam Soko, Don Edkins, Tiny Mugwe
Editor Angela Wamai, Khalid Khamis
Cinematographer Emma Nzioka, Akuol de Mabior
Music Gary Thomas
Print Source LBx Africassoko@lbxafrica.com https://www.lbxafrica.com/film/no-simple-way-home
Closed Captions Closed captions are not available for this screening.
Audio Description Audio description is not available for this screening.
American Sign Language (ASL) Interpretation American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation is not currently scheduled for this event. For more information about ASL interpretation at our events, e-mail ADA@SFFilm.org.