Brian and Charles follows Brian, a lonely inventor in rural Wales, who spends his days building quirky, unconventional contraptions that seldom work. Undeterred by his lack of success, Brian attempts his biggest project yet. Three days, a washing machine, and various spare parts later, he’s invented Charles, an artificially intelligent robot who learns English from a dictionary and has an obsession with cabbages. What follows is a humorous and entirely heartwarming story about loneliness, friendship, family, finding love, and letting go.
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Film Details
Language English
Original Language Title Brian and Charles
Year 2022
Runtime 90
Country UK
Director Jim Archer
Producer Rupert Majendie
Writer David Earl, Chris Hayward
Cast David Earl, Chris Hayward, Louise Brealey, Jamie Michie, Nina Sosanya
Closed Captions Closed captions are not available for this screening.
Audio Description Audio description is not available for this screening.
American Sign Language (ASL) Interpretation American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation is not currently scheduled for this event. For more information about ASL interpretation at our events, e-mail