Mel Novikoff Award: Gary Meyer + “Macario” + “Sour Death Balls”
For over 30 years, the SFFILM Mel Novikoff Award is given to an individual or institution whose work has enhanced the film-going public’s appreciation of world cinema. This year’s Mel Novikoff presentation will include Gary Meyer in conversation with IndieWire Editor-at-Large Anne Thompson, followed by a screening of the 1960 Mexican classic Macario and Jessica Yu‘s memorable short Sour Death Balls.
Sat Apr 27 at 12 pm
Premier Theater
12 pm: Award Presentation + Conversation with moderator Anne Thompson
12:30 pm: Screening

Mel Novikoff Award
The SFFILM Mel Novikoff Award is given to an individual or institution whose work has enhanced the film-going public’s appreciation of world cinema. The 2024 Mel Novikoff Award celebrates Gary Meyer — local hero, pioneer and champion of film exhibition, long-time film programmer, raconteur of cinema history, and lover of good food!
A village’s Day of the Dead celebration foreshadows this bewitching fable of an impoverished woodcutter who gains the power to heal. Screens with Sour Death Balls, Jessica Yu’s hilarious account of a sour candy taste challenge.

Guests Expected
Awardee Gary Meyer and presenter Anne Thompson are expected to attend
Film Community Partners

A village’s Day of the Dead celebration foreshadows a bewitching magical realist fable in director Roberto Gavaldón’s dreamy adaptation of a B. Traven (The Treasure of the Sierra Madre) short story set in colonial Mexico. Impoverished woodcutter Macario (Ignacio López Tarso) has never gone a day without hunger, more acute now that he has five children to feed. His wife produces a rare turkey for him and him alone to eat but when he elects to share it with a mysterious stranger, he gains the power to heal, a gift that enriches the family but also puts Macario in the murderous crosshairs of the Spanish Inquisition. Mexico’s first foreign-language film Oscar® nominee, its star Tarso won the Golden Gate Award for Best Actor when Macario screened at the 1960 Festival. Gabriel Figueroa’s (Luis Buñuel’s The Exterminating Angel) luminous black-and-white cinematography sparkles anew and astonishes in a 4K restoration.
Screens with: Sour Death Balls (Jessica Yu, Festival 1992, 5 min) Kids and grownups accept the sour candy taste challenge. Jessica Yu records the hilarious results.
Film Details
Language Spanish
Year 1960
Runtime 91
Country Mexico
Director Roberto Gavaldón
Executive Producer José Luis de Celis
Producer Armando Orive Alba
Writer Emilio Carballido, Roberto Gavaldón
Editor Gloria Schoemann
Cinematographer Gabriel Figueroa
Music Raúl Lavista
Cast Ignacio López Tarso, Pina Pellicer, Enrique Lucero
Closed Captions Closed Captions are not yet confirmed for this program
Audio Description Audio Descriptions are not yet confirmed for this program
American Sign Language (ASL) Interpretation American Sign Language Interpretation is not currently scheduled for this film