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SFFILM Festival


Directed by Andy Lo

Hong Kong/China | 113

25 Sep
Sun, Sep 25, 2016 at 2:30 pm PT


In this heartwarming drama, Yuk (Carlos Chan, To the Fore, HKC 2015) is a young short-order cook, surly and self-involved, who will find his life transformed in unexpected ways by interactions with new colleagues and friends. Recently fired and trying to avoid eviction, he enters a local assistance center for some financial help; seeing they might need help in their soup kitchen, he asks about a job. At the same time, he becomes friendly with a woman he calls Aunt Fanny (Kara Hui), whose senility has reached a stage where she poses a danger to herself. Though the two situations are initially viewed opportunistically—he needs a job and a place to live—the circumstances of encountering others who have different but equally difficult struggles give Yuk the impetus to be a better person. Representing two generations of Hong Kong superstardom, Chan and Hui have a funny, touching and utterly credible rapport.

Director Andy Lo



Film Details

Language Cantonese

Year 2016

Runtime 113

Country Hong Kong/China

Director Andy Lo

Producer Albert Lee, Catharine Kwan, Daniel Yu

Writer Andy Lo

Editor Azrael Chung

Cinematographer Tse Chung-to Kenny

Music Yusuke Hatano

Cast Carlos Chan, Kara Wai, Cya Liu