Flowers of Taipei: Taiwan New Cinema
Expertly presenting the origins, trajectory, importance and, above all, the arresting beauty of the Taiwnese New Cinema movement of the 1980s and ’90s, Flowers of Taipei gives everything one would wish and more in a movie about movies. Featuring interviews with renowned critics, filmmakers and curators, director Chinlin Hsieh establishes the unique and lasting influence of makers such as Hou Hsiao-hsien, Edward Yang and Wang Tung continue to have on contemporary aesthetics. Paired with the numerous insights are gorgeous archival clips that remain remarkably fresh and provide immediacy to the eloquent rhapsodies many of the documentary’s subjects present on their favorite moments in films such as Taipei Story, The Boys from Fengkuei and A Flower in the Rainy Night. Audience members will not only leave with a new perspective on the history of cinema, they will be inspired by the power of moving images to figure the world and history and recharged with the excitement that originally made us cinephiles.
Chinlin Hsieh immigrated to France from Taiwan in 1988. She studied piano and French literature before venturing into films where she worked as assistant director and making-of producer for Wan Jen and Hou Hsiao-hsien, among others. Subsequently she moved into production, producing What Time Is It There? (Tsai Ming-liang, 2001) and Happy End (Larrieu brothers, 2009). Hsieh is currently a programmer at the International Film Festival Rotterdam. Flowers of Taipei is her first film as director.
//www.youtube.com/embed/-EyPN-L3SCQFilm Details
Language Mandarin, English, Thai, Italian, Japanese, French
Year 2014
Runtime 109
Country Taiwan
Director Chinlin Hsieh
Producer Wang Ken-yu
Editor Olivier Marceny
Cinematographer Olivier Marceny
Music Mark Nelson