Center Stage
Brimming with narrative playfulness, Center Stage tells the tragic story of silent film star Ruan Ling-yu, one of the most beloved performers in Chinese cinema, played by Maggie Cheung in a magisterial performance that garnered her the Silver Bear at the Berlinale for Best Actress. At first known for playing tragic figures and romantic heroines, Ruan moves into more complicated and challenging roles, playing prostitutes and factory workers, while in real life carrying on a scandalous affair with a married man. Kwan’s film compellingly portrays the moviemaking industry of the 1920s and ’30s and the challenges Ruan encounters throughout her short life and career. Center Stage shatters standard biopic tropes by interspersing interviews with Kwan’s cast members musing on the actress’s life and placing archival footage of her performances alongside scenes of Cheung playing the same moments. Effortlessly juggling these multiple layers, Kwan’s film offers an audacious take on the art of acting and reminds us of the power of great cinema performances.
// Details
Language Cantonese, Mandarin, Shanghainese, English
Year 1991
Runtime 148
Country Hong Kong
Director Stanley Kwan
Producer Willie Chan, Tsui Siu Ming
Writer Peggy Chiu
Editor Peter Cheung
Cinematographer Poon Hang-seng
Music Johnny Chen
Cast Maggie Cheung, Tony Leung, Carina Lau
Print Source Fortune Star Media