Blonde Redhead with I Was Born, But…
Join us for this special live performance by Blonde Redhead, playing their newly commissioned original score to Yasujirô Ozu’s delightful 1932 silent comedy I Was Born, But…!
Blonde Redhead has haunted audiences with alt-rock sounds ranging from noise-rock to dreampop for decades. Expatriates Kazu Makino, Amedeo Pace, and Simone Pace formed the band in New York in the mid-’90s and have created nine albums, the second of which, La Mia Vita Violenta, is dedicated to Pasolini, and the most recent, Masculin Féminin, references Godard. Their relationship with film doesn’t end there, though: Makino’s voice can be heard in the 2006 horror remake Sisters, and they scored 2008 documentary The Dungeon Masters. In 2017, one of their earlier singles, “For the Damaged Coda,” hit the charts after being featured on Rick and Morty.
I Was Born, But… Yasujirô Ozu, Japan, 1932, 90 min.
One of Ozu’s most popular films, I Was Born, But… is a blithe portrait of the financial and psychological toils of one family, as told from the rascally point of view of a couple of stubborn little boys. For two brothers, the daily struggles of bullies and mean teachers is nothing next to the mortification they feel when they realize their good-natured father’s low-rung social status.