In the competitive world of high school mariachi, the musicians from the South Texas borderlands reign supreme. This energetic documentary captures the highs and lows of the Mariachi Oro team as they navigate life’s challenges on and off the stage. Going Varsity in Mariachi reveals a young Texas Latino community’s response to questions of cultural identity, LGBTQ rights, and career paths. This guide compliments a curriculum in Music, Social Studies, and Spanish and is intended for educators to use with students to explore topics of history, storytelling, social emotional learning, and leadership
Teaching Tools
The Last Repair Shop + A Concerto is a Conversation
From Academy Award-nominated directing duo Ben Proudfoot and Kris Bowers, comes two short films The Last Repair Shop and A Concerto is a Conversation. In both short films we witness the profound life and stories of musicians, students, and craftspeople whose lives have been transformed by their instrument. This guide compliments a curriculum in Music, English Language Arts, and Social Studies and is intended for educators to use with students to explore central themes of creativity, perseverance, and storytelling.
Copa 71
With extensive archival material and present-day interviews, Copa 71 provides insight into the unprecedented events. Through providing a greater context to the first (unofficial) Women’s World Cup held in Mexico City, we learn of the extensive methods in which sexism and discrimination pervaded football–even in the form of national laws. This guide compliments a curriculum in History, Social Studies, and Sports and is intended for educators to use with students to explore topics of education, laws, archives, gender studies and journalism.
Story & Pictures By
Children’s picture books have brought creativity, joy, and a deeper understanding of the world equipped for all ages. Story & Pictures By presents the history of children’s literature and how it has been a tool to both present a mirror of society and a dream of a limitless future. This guide compliments a curriculum in English Language Arts and Art / Media and is intended for educators to use in the classroom to promote social-emotional learning, writing, and storytelling to better understand the impact and importance of authors and storytellers.
Growing Up
This series tells the stories of young people growing up in America today. Exploring the intersections of race, class, gender, and so much more, Growing Up uses the power of storytelling to demonstrate that young people have agency and power in determining their own