The Rescue List is a feature documentary that takes an intimate look at the lives of two boys, Peter & Edem living in a Ghanaian safehouse, recovering and preparing to reunify with their families, after being enslaved to fishermen on Lake Volta, in Ghana. The story also follows the unfolding drama of Kwame, a 30-year old Ghanaian man, a former child slave, who leads a team to rescue children enslaved on the lake. The lives of the Peter, Edem, and Kwame are intertwined, as Kwame and his team, care for and work with the children at the safehouse to prepare them to return home. It is a story of love, survival, and friendship.
Taught in conjunction with this guide, The Rescue List will challenge students to think critically about the impact of cultural, economic, and social factors that contribute to the child slavery market in Ghana and how to build communities capacity to combat slavery. Additionally, students will have an opportunity to reflect on the themes of hope and healing.