Amanda Micheli’s stirring and suspenseful documentary follows several aspiring parents who desperately want to have a baby but are struggling with infertility and the high cost of treatments. They place themselves in the hands of Las Vegas doctor Geoffrey Sher and his annual contest offering a prize of a free round of in-vitro fertilization—with no guarantee of pregnancy. A rollercoaster of hope and despair awaits them all. Despite the odds, the competition is intense, and each story of unrequited parenthood is more heartbreaking than the next. Among those vying for the prize are a Catholic Mexican-American couple from Texas willing to defy the Church’s prohibition on unnatural intervention in reproduction, a single lesbian Lady Gaga impersonator in New York City, and a Wisconsin couple who have already mortgaged their house to pay for a previous treatment. For each of them, Dr. Sher holds the one remaining hope of fulfilling their dreams of having a family. —Joanne Parsont
Amanda Micheli is a cinematographer and Oscar-nominated director based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Her short documentary La Corona (SFIFF 2008) was nominated for an Academy Award and is currently being adapted into a fiction feature. Her documentary feature Double Dare (SFIFF 2004), about two Hollywood stuntwomen, premiered at Toronto before its PBS broadcast and theatrical release, and her first film, Just for the Ride (1995), won a student Oscar and an IDA Award before airing on POV. Micheli studied film at Harvard, under her mentors Ross McElwee and Robb Moss.
//player.vimeo.com/video/158947786?autoplay=1Film Details
Language English
Year 2016
Runtime 80
Country USA
Director Amanda Micheli
Producer Amanda Micheli, Serin Marshall
Editor Greg O'Toole, Lisa Fruchtman
Cinematographer Amanda Micheli