Big Nights
Celebrate SFFILM Festival’s beginning, middle, and end with world-cl...
Celebrate SFFILM Festival’s beginning, middle, and end with w...
Celebrate SFFILM Festival’s beginning, mi...
Celebrate SFFILM Festival’s beg...
The Bay Area's home for the world's finest films and filmmakers.
This year our sections include Big Nights with its combination of online and outdoor screenings and events, and films grouped by category for ease of browsing the Streaming Programs.
Celebrate SFFILM Festival’s beginning, middle, and end with world-cl...
Celebrate SFFILM Festival’s beginning, middle, and end with w...
Celebrate SFFILM Festival’s beginning, mi...
Celebrate SFFILM Festival’s beg...
With international travel somewhat curtailed, these scintillating works of...
With international travel somewhat curtailed, these scintillating w...
With international travel somewhat curtailed, t...
With international travel somewhat cu...
The Festival’s US documentaries span an array of subjects, from the person...
The Festival’s US documentaries span an array of subjects, from the...
The Festival’s US documentaries span an array o...
The Festival’s US documentaries span ...
Not quite feature length and not quite a short—between 30 and 50 minutes l...
Not quite feature length and not quite a short—between 30 and 50 mi...
Not quite feature length and not quite a short—...
Not quite feature length and not quit...
From a movie theater in Bucharest, Romania, to a teeming marketplace in La...
From a movie theater in Bucharest, Romania, to a teeming marketplac...
From a movie theater in Bucharest, Romania, to ...
From a movie theater in Bucharest, Ro...
American filmmakers reveal their inspired imaginations in a variety of gen...
American filmmakers reveal their inspired imaginations in a variety...
American filmmakers reveal their inspired imagi...
American filmmakers reveal their insp...
SFFILM Festival’s curated programs present thought-provoking, inventive, a...
SFFILM Festival’s curated programs present thought-provoking, inven...
SFFILM Festival’s curated programs present thou...
SFFILM Festival’s curated programs pr...
Our Festival spotlights illuminate groups of films tied to special Festival initiatives, the programs with local connections, and more.
The COVID-19 pandemic prevented the 2020 SFFILM Festival from going forwar...
The COVID-19 pandemic prevented the 2020 SFFILM Festival from going...
The COVID-19 pandemic prevented the 2020 SFFILM...
The COVID-19 pandemic prevented the 2...
Bay Area Voices focuses on programs set in the Bay or made by local filmma...
Bay Area Voices focuses on programs set in the Bay or made by local...
Bay Area Voices focuses on programs set in the ...
Bay Area Voices focuses on programs s...
The breadth of storytelling that consistently emerges from Mexican filmmak...
The breadth of storytelling that consistently emerges from Mexican ...
The breadth of storytelling that consistently e...
The breadth of storytelling that cons...
The pandemic has our cinemas limited for a while longer, so we will gather...
The pandemic has our cinemas limited for a while longer, so we will...
The pandemic has our cinemas limited for a whil...
The pandemic has our cinemas limited ...
Whether online or at the drive-in, SFFILM Festival offers an array of scre...
Whether online or at the drive-in, SFFILM Festival offers an array ...
Whether online or at the drive-in, SFFILM Festi...
Whether online or at the drive-in, SF...
An in-depth exploration of filmmaking from every corner of the planet, Glo...
An in-depth exploration of filmmaking from every corner of the plan...
An in-depth exploration of filmmaking from ever...
An in-depth exploration of filmmaking...
Presented at the Festival since its inaugural year in 1957, the GGAs are a...
Presented at the Festival since its inaugural year in 1957, the GGA...
Presented at the Festival since its inaugural y...
Presented at the Festival since its i...
Since 2009, SFFILM Makers programs have granted more than $8 million to in...
Since 2009, SFFILM Makers programs have granted more than $8 millio...
Since 2009, SFFILM Makers programs have granted...
Since 2009, SFFILM Makers programs ha...
Compelling virtual presentations, drive-in movies, live talks with importa...
Compelling virtual presentations, drive-in movies, live talks with ...
Compelling virtual presentations, drive-in movi...
Compelling virtual presentations, dri...